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Articles tagged with "aging"

Tips For Youthful, Healthy Skin
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The foods we eat directly impact on our bodies - both inside and out. The skin is the largest organ and provides a good indication of what is going on inside your body. G ...
Too much Soda and Processed Food Linked to Speeding Up The Aging Process
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, April 29, 2010
Here's another reason to cut down on soda (soft drinks) and processed food. New research published online shows that high levels of phosphates, found in sodas and process ...
Eating Berries Helps Keep the Brain Young, Study Finds
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, August 26, 2010
All types of berries are loaded with health-protective properties. These super-fruits have been to fight cancer, heart disease, infections and more. Now, for the first ti ...
Ways That Exercise Improves Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, February 01, 2010
A growing body of research is showing that regular physical activity helps to improve overall health, including preventing diseases and illnesses. Regular exercise has ...
Four Ways to Slow Down Aging and Promote Longevity
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, August 19, 2010
Dangerous processes that age our bodies and are triggered by the foods we eat and the lifestyles we lead. Trying to minimize your exposure to these toxins has been found ...
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Health, fitness and longevity
 Based upon the principles of health
 in the Qur'an and Prophetic Traditions.

There are two bounties in which
most people lose out: good health
and free time. Al-Bukhari.
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