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Articles tagged with "green tea"

Exciting New Protective Properties of Green Tea Found
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, January 10, 2011
Green tea is already well known to preserve and protect health. Studies show that drinkers of green tea have a lower risk of a wide range of diseases. These vary from sim ...
Improve Bone Health With Green Tea
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Researchers in Hong Kong have reported new evidence that green tea can help improve bone health. They found that the tea contains a group of chemicals that can stimulate ...
Boost Immune Function and Prevent Autoimmune Diseases With Green Tea
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, June 16, 2011
One of the beneficial compounds found in green tea has a powerful ability to increase the number of "regulatory T cells" that play a key role in immune function and suppr ...
Green Tea Shows Promise for Psoriasis Sufferers
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Research has shown that green tea may offer hope as an effective treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis and dandruff. The study looked at an animal model for m ...
Green Tea May Protect Eye Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, February 22, 2010
Substances found in green tea could help fight eye disease, according to authors of the latest research from the University of Hong Kong. Scientists confirmed that sub ...
Tea Contains Health-Promoting Polyphenols
Posted by SoundHealth on Sunday, April 12, 2009
From green, black and white, teas are packed full of flavonoids and other health beneficial antioxidants. Studies have associated some teas with relieving conditions like ...
Health-Boosting Properties of Five Varieties of Tea
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tea provides a refreshing drink to perk you up or calm you down, but with so many different types of tea available, here are a few with the most health benefits. [titl ...
Disease-Fighting Properties of Green Tea
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Extensive research has been carried out into the health benefits of green tea. It is the most popular tea consumed in China, and contains the highest concentration of ben ...
More Benefits of Green Tea Found
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Green tea is well known and extensively researched for its many health benefits. It contains the highest concentration of beneficial phytonutrients of all the teas. The f ...
Green Tea Associated with Protection Against Gum Disease
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Gum disease is a condition that affects over 30 per cent of the population at some time, and this research adds to the ever-growing evidence of the health benefits of gre ...
Green Tea, Blueberry and Raspberry Fruit Extracts Touted as Potential Cancer Fighters
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Friday, September 26, 2008
The three top antioxidant fruits are strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. These fruits are high in antioxidants, zinc, folic acid and also help to support the live ...
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