Rocket, also known as arugula, rucola or roquette, is a spicy salad leaf with a distinct "peppery-mustardy" flavor.
Like most salad greens, rocket is very low in calories and is high in vitamins A and C. It also contains fiber and sulfuraphane, a substance known to have potent anticancer properties. This substance is found in all cruciferous vegetables, and is a potent stimulator of natural detoxifying enzymes in the body, and research has shown it to have anticancer, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial properties.
Other nutrients in rocket include vitamins B, K, folic acid, iron, calcium and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals are particularly useful for preserving bone health.
Health Benefits
Anti-Ulcer Effects
Scientists from Saudi Arabia found that rocket extract was a safe and natural alternative gastric ulcer treatment. Laboratory animals pretreated with this herb extract were protected from the development of gastric ulcers despite being exposed to a host of toxins and stresses.
Tips for Using Rocket
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