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Articles tagged with "celery"

Fight Breast Cancer and Improve Health Naturally With Celery and Parsley
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, June 02, 2011
Researchers has found that a compound in parsley, celery and other plant products, including fruits and nuts, is associated with stopping certain breast cancer tumor cell ...
Refreshing Celery Soup
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, February 06, 2009
This is a really simple but nutritious and refreshing soup. It is quick to make and can be eaten as a snack or light lunch. Celery is a good source of vitamin A as well a ...
Ibn al-Qayyim: Celery Is Beneficial for Bad Breath
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, January 14, 2009
In his [i]Prophetic Medicine[/i], Ibn al-Qayyim described the health benefits of celery. He said that celery sweetened the breath, opened obstructions of the liver and sp ...
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