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Articles tagged with "inflammation"

Research Paper on Fasting in Ramadan - Intermittent, Long-Term Fasting Reduces Inflammatory Markers in the Body
Posted by abuiyaad on Monday, February 09, 2009
This is a study done on the effects of fasting on the inflammatory response in the body. Inflammation refers to the immune response triggered within the body in response ...
Probiotics: The Key to Better Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Growing research is finding that one of the keys to good health can be found in our guts - specifically, in the bacteria that live in the digestive tract. These bacteria ...
Pomegranate Juice Reduces Inflammation, Tissue Damage and Infections, Study Suggests
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, December 02, 2010
Pomegranates are rich in vitamins B and C, and many other antioxidants. Pomegranate juice has three times the amount of polyphenols than are found in green tea. These pol ...
Four Ways to Slow Down Aging and Promote Longevity
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, August 19, 2010
Dangerous processes that age our bodies and are triggered by the foods we eat and the lifestyles we lead. Trying to minimize your exposure to these toxins has been found ...
Regularly Brushing Teeth Associated With Reducing Heart Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, July 05, 2010
People who don't brush their teeth twice a day may be putting themselves at risk of heart disease. A study of more than 11,000 adults backs previous research linking gum ...
The Incredible Cancer-Fighting Power of Turmeric
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Turmeric is a pungent spice that is a main ingredient in curries is also well known as a potent antioxidant compound. This spice has successfully been used to prevent and ...
Move Away From Diet High in Processed Foods to Reduce Disease Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Compounds produced by frying, grilling, or pasteurizing may be a leading cause of inflammation and ageing, according to a new study from the US. Reducing intakes of co ...
Eating A Range of Health Foods Protects Against Disease
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, October 21, 2010
Here's some new research that shows how eating a combination of different health-promoting foods has a beneficial cumulative effect, and is the key to a long and healthy ...
Junk Food Diet Increases Allergies in Children
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Children who have junk food diets are at greater risk of allergies as well as obesity, according to a new study. Scientists compared youngsters from a rural African v ...
Essential Fats Keep the Mind and Body Well Oiled
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, December 03, 2010
Certain fats are essential for health and are among the most powerful medicines, acting as natural painkillers and more potent antidepressants than conventional drugs. Th ...
Make Simple Changes to Reduce Inflammation
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, March 19, 2009
Inflammation refers to the immune response triggered within the body in response to a variety of conditions. Factors that determine the levels of inflammatory processes i ...
Omega-3-Rich Walnuts Help Fight Stress
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, October 05, 2010
A diet rich in walnuts and walnut oil is associated with preparing the body to deal better with stress, according to a team of researchers who looked at how these foods, ...
Reduce Inflammation and Pain with Olive Oil
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A US study has shown that extra-virgin olive oil has a similar effect to the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen, in reducing pain and morning stiffness among rheumatoid art ...
Aloe Vera: A Natural Cure For Cancer, Diabetes, Inflammation and Much More
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Aloe vera is an impressive plant with an amazing variety of healing benefits. In a single plant, aloe vera offers a potent, natural cure for many internal and external co ...
Healing Spice Turmeric Reduces Inflammation of Tendinitis
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Eating foods rich in the curry spice, turmeric, could offer relief to sufferers of tennis elbow and other forms of the inflammatory condition tendonitis, says new researc ...
The Big Fat Con: Saturated Fat and Cholesterol
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Tuesday, February 03, 2009
[b]Did you know that 50% of all heart attacks are in people with perfectly "normal" cholesterol levels?[/b] The man responsible for the dietary cholesterol and saturat ...
An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Prolongs Life According to European Research
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Saturday, January 05, 2019

Inflammation is a process that protects the body from infection by foreign organisms (such as bacteria and viruses). However, sometimes this process can be triggered ...

Fatty acids in diet affect ulcerative colitis risk
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Sunday, December 06, 2009
Diets rich in highly-reactive polyunsaturated fatty acids, giving a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the body, favor inflammatory pathways which in turn provide the unde ...
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