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Articles tagged with "strawberries"

Organic Strawberries 'Are More Nutritious'
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Strawberries contain a wealth of cancer-fighting, health-protective nutrition. They are packed with vitamin C, folate, potassium and fiber. They are second only to plums ...
Strawberries are Cancer-Fighting and Health-Protective
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, May 11, 2009
Strawberries are fragrantly sweet and juicy, and this popular fruit contains a wealth of cancer-fighting, health-protective nutrition. Strawberries are a member of the ...
Strawberries Linked to Halting Esophageal Cancer
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, April 11, 2011
Strawberries have an extremely high vitamin C content, and provide an excellent source of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps to eliminate harmful cholesterol. Together wi ...
Eating Berries Helps Keep the Brain Young, Study Finds
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, August 26, 2010
All types of berries are loaded with health-protective properties. These super-fruits have been to fight cancer, heart disease, infections and more. Now, for the first ti ...
Superfoods for Children
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The diets of children play an integral role in their health and learning ability, in fact, a nutritious and balanced diet is the most important thing to ensure that your ...
Strawberries Benefit Brain Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, October 12, 2009
Strawberries are good for the brain, according to news presented at the 2009 Berry Health Symposium, a conference where the latest worldwide research on berries and human ...
Antioxidant and Health-Boosting Properties of Strawberries
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, September 01, 2011
Strawberries contain a wealth of cancer-fighting, health-protective nutrients such as vitamin C, folate, potassium and fiber. They are second only to plums as the richest ...
Five Superfoods You Should Be Eating Everyday
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Thursday, October 09, 2008

Superfoods are foods that are packed with a range of nutrients and antioxidants and which do not contain anything that do harm to you. Here is a selection of superfood ...

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