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Remedy Tips For Colic

Posted by HealthyMuslim on Saturday, September 20, 2008
Topics: Colic
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Is there really a permanent solution for colic? The answer is no. The best thing that a parent can do is remedy the situation until this will gradually go away as the infant gets older.

Here are some of those remedies.

  • Infants are used to having something in the mouth due to breastfeeding. Since the mother's breasts cannot be there every time, using a pacifier can help the baby stay calm thus preventing excessive crying.

  • Watching the baby cry does not do anything. The parent must remedy the colic baby by taking it out of the crib and swaying it from side to side. Sometimes the sense of touch can do wonders making the infant know that he or she is safe.

  • Another way to remedy a colic child will be to use a CD that plays a soft melodious recitation of the Qur'an that captures the attention of the child.

  • The baby will get heavier as it gets older. Instead of carrying it in the arms, another remedy will by putting the infant in the carriage and going for a stroll. Some parents have taken the child for a ride in the car, which also helps calm the newborn.

  • Giving the baby a warm bath can also help. Since this can't be done every time, the parent can put a warm bag on the belly or try massaging lotion instead. It will be a good idea to cover the pack with a towel since the temperature could be too much for the infant.

  • The type of food being eaten by the mother may also cause the child to be colic. Consulting with a dietician help prevent this from happening as foods that produce gas are replaced with healthier ones.

  • Air is the root cause of some children being colic especially when the infant is now drinking from a bottle. The parent should check the hole of the nipple since a big hole makes the baby drink more than usual. If this happens, it will be a good idea to buy a new set of nipples.

A colic baby believe it or not is a healthy one. This is because the behavior it shows makes people aware of its existence and needs.

There will be times that the parents will get up late at night or early in the morning to address this but this can be remedied. Before one knows it, the excessive crying will not happen anymore as the infant has adjusted to the new environment.

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