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Articles tagged with "probiotic"

What Are Probiotics and Prebiotics and Why They are Vital For a Healthy Gut
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Probiotics and prebiotics are increasing becoming popular as a health food, but what are they, what is the difference between them and why should we take them? Growin ...
Diet And Intestinal Bacteria Linked To Healthier Immune Systems
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, November 05, 2009
Insoluble dietary fiber, or roughage, not only helps to keep you regular, it also plays a vital role in the immune system, keeping certain diseases at bay. The indig ...
Boost Your Immune System For The Winter
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, November 14, 2011
The cold days of the winter months in particular, see a rise in respiratory tracts infections such as colds and flu. So as winter approaches, it's worth taking steps to b ...
Live Yoghurt Associated with Eliminating Bad Breath, Aiding Digestion and More
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Yoghurt that has probiotic cultures added to it is associated with many health benefits including aiding digestion by helping the gut work properly, banishing bad breath, ...
Probiotics: The Key to Better Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Growing research is finding that one of the keys to good health can be found in our guts - specifically, in the bacteria that live in the digestive tract. These bacteria ...
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