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Articles tagged with "vitamin D"

The Link Between Vitamin Deficiencies and Dental Problems
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, February 05, 2010
A big factor for healthy teeth and gums is good nutrition, and the condition of our teeth and is usually a good indicator of how healthy or otherwise the rest of the body ...
How Vitamin D Keeps Diseases At Bay
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, August 26, 2010
Vitamin D is increasingly being recognized as a powerful super-nutrient essential for good health. Although vitamin D deficiency has been linked with a growing list of il ...
Vitamin D Boosts Survival From Cancer, Study Finds
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Two new studies have found that vitamin D can improve the survival chances of both skin and colon cancer patients. The studies showed that patients with higher levels ...
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to More Colds and Flu
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Saturday, March 21, 2009
We see more and more research establishing that deficiencies in certain nutrients underlie a very wide range of disease conditions. Disease is the result of either nutri ...
Vitamin D Is A Key Player in Overall Health of Many Body Organs
Posted by HealthyMuslim on Sunday, March 22, 2009
Here we have another article summarising decades of research on the essential nature of Vitamin D to a large number of body organs and their biochemical processes. [qu ...
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