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Articles tagged with "orange"

The Immunity-Boosting Power of Oranges
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, May 14, 2009
Juicy and sweet, oranges are bursting with immunity-boosting vitamins, and although they are best know for their vitamin C content, they also contain many other disease-f ...
Make Your Own Energising Juices
Posted by SoundHealth on Sunday, December 07, 2008
Fresh juices are a great way to obtain nutrients from fruit and vegetables. Juices can be made with hard and soft fruit and vegetables in a juice extractor. To obtain opt ...
Citrus Fruit Associated With Reduced Cancer Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, September 24, 2010
Daily consumption of citrus may reduce the risk of a range of cancers, especially pancreatic and prostate cancer, suggests a new study from Japan. Citrus fruits such ...
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