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Articles tagged with "stroke"

Regular Exercise Reduces Risk of 24 Illnesses Including Dementia and Cancer, Review Finds
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, December 03, 2010

Regular exercise such as a daily walk is linked to reducing around two dozen physical and mental health conditions and slowing down how quickly the body ages, accordin ...

Bananas Improve Digestive Health and Lower Blood Pressure
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, April 11, 2011
Bananas are the ultimate natural fast food - they are packed with nutrients and have the ability to soothe and heal the digestive system, lift your mood and reduce high b ...
Walking Associated With Lower Stroke Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, April 30, 2010
A long-term study has reported that women can dramatically slash their risk for strokes by simply walking regularly. Women who walked two or more hours a week or who u ...
Apples and Pears Associated With Reducing Stroke Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, November 14, 2011
A Dutch study has concluded that that eating a lot of fruits and vegetables with white flesh, such as apples and pears, is linked to protecting against stroke. While p ...
Whole Grains Foods Reduce Blood Pressure, Study Finds
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Eating whole grain foods can significantly reduce blood pressure and have been found to be as effective as drugs at reducing the risk of stroke, according to research by ...
Dark Chocolate 'Can Cut the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke'
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Consuming (dark) chocolate can cut the risk of heart disease and stroke by as much as 39 per cent, according to scientists. It is the beneficial substances known as f ...
Dark Chocolate Is A Rich Source Of Antioxidants
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Good quality dark chocolate has many health benefits. The health benefits from chocolate are mainly due to the antioxidants present in the cocoa, including [i]flavonols[/ ...
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