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Articles tagged with "weight loss"

More Benefits of Green Tea Found
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Green tea is well known and extensively researched for its many health benefits. It contains the highest concentration of beneficial phytonutrients of all the teas. The f ...
Are You Getting Enough Fiber in Your Diet?
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, December 13, 2010
Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet and vital for your body to function properly. Fiber helps the digestive system to process food and absorb nutrients. However ...
Almonds: The Healthy Snack Linked to Weight Loss
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, October 06, 2011
The results of a study have found that supplementation with almonds, in contrast to complex carbohydrates, is associated with greater reductions in weight and BMI, waist ...
Getting More Sleep Is Linked To Greater Weight Loss
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, May 22, 2009
Getting a good night's sleep is associated with helping you lose weight, a new study has found. The study of US nurses found those who slept longest were slimmer th ...
Balance Your Blood Sugar: The Key to Gaining Energy and Losing Weight
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A common misconception is that sugar gives you energy. On the contrary, a high intake of refined sugar and refined carbohydrates causes blood sugar levels to rise and fal ...
Blueberries Provide Natural Weight Loss, Study
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Blueberries have been shown to be a powerful superfood in several nutrition studies, due to their high polyphenol content, including their ability to help prevent heart d ...
Some Wonderfully Healing Benefits of Lemons
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, March 03, 2011
Lemons are arguably one of the most useful of all fruits - these sharp-tasting citrus fruits contain a wealth of health-enhancing properties. They are capable of soothing ...
Five Foods That Aid Weight Loss
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, August 27, 2009
The best way to lose weight and keep the weight off is to change the way you eat on a daily basis, by choosing a variety of healthy foods and eating in moderation. This w ...
Eat Coconut Oil to Lose Weight
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, November 01, 2010
Yes, that's right - eat fat to lose weight. But not just any fat - coconut oil contains a form of saturated fat that it is digested and processed differently from other f ...
Aim For Quality Not Quantity of Food To Lose Weight
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, September 01, 2011
The quality of the food you eat rather than how much you consume has the biggest impact on losing weight, a study has found. Diet also has a greater impact than other ...
Lose Weight by Increasing Intake of Complete Proteins
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, April 02, 2009
The following research paper outlines the benefits of a high-protein weight loss diet over a low-protein diet. [quote][b]Abstract[/b] [b]Purpose of review:[/b] Hig ...
Vegetable Juice Promotes Weight Loss
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, November 02, 2009
Drinking at least one glass of low sodium vegetable juice every day may help overweight people to lose more weight, new research has found. In the study, adults who dr ...
'Apple a Day' Advice Proven By Research
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, May 03, 2011
A new study found that women on an 'apple diet' showed improved health, including their harmful cholesterol dropping by almost a quarter in six months, while they also lo ...
Tips to Start Exercising
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, October 09, 2009
Exercise is a critical component of good health, and is necessary for people of ages. Some of the health benefits of regular exercise include: [ul][li]Lowers the ris ...
Almonds Are A Top Food For Preserving Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Of all the nuts, almonds contain the most calcium and twenty percent more protein; weight for weight, that's a third more protein that eggs. They are also one of the top ...
Why Diets Don't Work and Tips to Lose Weight
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Trying to lose weight by restricting calorie intake and dieting is often a short term solution and the results usually don't last. The best way to lose weight and keep th ...
Keep Fit, Strong and Supple For a Healthier Body and Mind
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, October 05, 2010
It is a well-proven fact that exercise is good for both your body and mind. Numerous studies over the years have shown that exercise is effective in preventing all kinds ...
The Healthy Oil That Promotes Weight Loss
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, June 23, 2011
A study has shown that dietary supplementation with coconut oil is associated with a reduction in waist circumference, as well as other benefits. Coconut oil contains ...
High Fibre Diet Supports Weight Loss
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, December 11, 2008
Increasing your intake of fibre-rich foods you could boost your overall health and increase weight loss results. Research carried out at Tufts University in Boston shows ...
Phytochemicals In Plant-based Foods Help Battle Obesity and Disease
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, October 23, 2009
A new study provides more evidence that supports eating a healthy diet low in meat and high in plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, to tackle obesity and prevent ...
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