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Articles tagged with "cancer"

Cancer Simplified: Part 3 - Cancer Is Simply a Failure of the Immune System
Posted by abuiyaad on Tuesday, November 03, 2015
Continuing from [[url>>Part 1]] and [[url>>Part 2]] we will now develop the cancer developm ...
Cancer Simplified: Part 2 - An Analogy for Different Perceptions About Treatment of Cancer
Posted by abuiyaad on Tuesday, November 03, 2015
In [[url>>Part 1]], we outlined the process through which cancer develops in the body in a simplistic, generalized way and this wil ...
Higher Vitamin D Levels in Blood Associated With Lower Cancer Incidence
Posted by abuiyaad on Saturday, December 27, 2008
This is one of many studies establishing an inverse association between Vitamin D levels in the blood and cancer incidence. Good sources of Vitamin D further below. There ...
Cancer Simplified: Part 1 - What Is Cancer and How Does It Develop?
Posted by abuiyaad on Tuesday, November 03, 2015
The traditional view has been that cancer is a [b]bump[/b] or a [b]lump[/b] which has developed in the body over a period of time due to cells going out of control. Upon ...
New Research on the Powerful Benefits of Garlic
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Garlic is a potent herb with well known anti-inflammatory and anti microbial properties, and new research suggests that garlic is also a powerful antioxidant that can hel ...
Ways That Exercise Improves Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, February 01, 2010
A growing body of research is showing that regular physical activity helps to improve overall health, including preventing diseases and illnesses. Regular exercise has ...
Regular Exercise Reduces Risk of 24 Illnesses Including Dementia and Cancer, Review Finds
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, December 03, 2010

Regular exercise such as a daily walk is linked to reducing around two dozen physical and mental health conditions and slowing down how quickly the body ages, accordin ...

Selenium: A Powerful Anti-Cancer Mineral Essential for Healthy Cells
Posted by SoundHealth on Thursday, April 09, 2009
Selenium is a trace mineral essential for good health, and multiple studies have shown it to be an effective mineral for preventing many forms of cancer, and relieving sy ...
Healthy Lifestyle 'Could Cut Breast Cancer By A Third'
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, March 29, 2010
Up to a third of breast cancer cases could be avoided if women ate healthier and exercised more, researchers claim. Experts believe more than 14,000 women a year woul ...
The Incredible Cancer-Fighting Power of Turmeric
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Turmeric is a pungent spice that is a main ingredient in curries is also well known as a potent antioxidant compound. This spice has successfully been used to prevent and ...
Cancer Said To Be No. 1 Killer by 2010
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, December 12, 2008
Cancer has been said to overtake heart disease as the number one cause of death worldwide by 2010, a new report has revealed. An estimated 12.4 million people will be ...
Regular Exercise Is Associated With Reduced Breast Cancer Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, October 02, 2009
Regular exercise can significantly cut a woman's chance of developing breast cancer, a new study shows. Researchers found that post-menopausal women who worked out fo ...
Adding Herbs and Spices to Meat Cuts Cancer Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, July 23, 2010
Adding certain spices to raw meat before cooking it can cut the risk of cancer which is commonly associated with meat cooked at high temperatures. Any time food is coo ...
Ginger Root Associated with Preventing Colon Cancer, Study
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Ginger supplements reduced markers of colon inflammation in a select group of patients, suggesting that this supplement has potential as a colon cancer prevention agent, ...
Pomegranates Associated With Preventing Breast Cancer
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Eating pomegranates and other fruits that contain certain phytochemicals have been found to reduce the occurrence of hormone-dependent breast cancers, according to result ...
Study Proves How Powerful Compound in Broccoli Stops Cancer, Even in Small Amounts
Posted by SoundHealth on Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A study has shown for the first time how [i]sulforaphane[/i], the powerful cancer-fighting agent in found broccoli, is triggered into action by the digestive system, and ...
Drinking Very Hot Tea Is Associated with Increased Risk Of Throat Cancer
Posted by SoundHealth on Monday, March 30, 2009
This article is taken from Science Daily, and explains the findings of a new study that have associated drinking very hot tea with an increase in the risk of oesophagus c ...
Eat a Variety of Vegetables for Better Health
Posted by SoundHealth on Friday, March 12, 2010
Almost every vegetable that that has been studied has been found to contain substances that benefit health, from the heart and blood, to countering the formation of tumor ...
Sweet Potato Is A Healthy Anti-Cancer Food
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The sweet potato is gaining popularity as a healthy, sweetly delicious alternative to the potato. It is a nutritious tuber with a unique and distinctively sweet flavor. ...
Study Finds Daily Exercise Lowers Cancer Death Risk
Posted by SoundHealth on Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A study has found that men who did 30 minutes of vigorous exercise a day had half the risk of dying from cancer than those who exercised less. Researchers followed 2, ...
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