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Five Superfoods You Should Be Eating Everyday

Posted by HealthyMuslim on Thursday, October 09, 2008
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Superfoods are foods that are packed with a range of nutrients and antioxidants and which do not contain anything that do harm to you. Here is a selection of superfoods that you should try to consume regularly.

Seeds That Give Life

Since most things grow from seeds, seeds are packed full of nutrients and energy. They also contain the essential minerals we need such as magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc and others. These seeds also contain essential fats that aid the digestive process and support the elimination of toxins.

The the best combination of seeds are to be made as follows. In a jar fill half of it with flax seeds. And the remaining half fill with equal portion of sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. You should mix them together and put them in an airtight container, store cool and keep away from light. By avoiding exposure to heat, light and oxygen they will stay fresher for longer. Try to have a tablespoon of this every day.

This gives the optimum mix of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. It may be better to make use of flax seeds by grinding them and having them immediately afterwards - as grinding them allows you to get all the benefit out of them. After grinding the seeds the fatty acids are exposed to oxygen and can under oxidation and become rancid. That's why they be taken immediately after grinding. You can grind and add to foods like porridge.

The Dark Greens

Dark green vegetables are full of Vitamin C, chlorophyll and folic acid. All of these are extremely good for your health. Vitamin C is also linked to better health, a better immune system, better skin and a lower risk of cancer.

Examples of the greens include watercress, spinach, basil and parsley. You can make a salad mix and add other items such as avocados, pine nuts and baby tomatoes.

These greens are great sources of beta carotene and also Vitamin C and also contain large amounts of bioflavonoids. These are a special form of antioxidant that help detoxification in your body.

cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are those whose leaves grow in a cross-formation. They include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and kale. You should try to consume a serving of these vegetables every day.

These vegetables are important because they contain important nutrients that support a very important liver function called glucoronidation.

Sulphur Foods

Some of the amino acids that make up protein contain sulphur and there is a process called sulphation that takes place in the body which requires adequate amounts of sulphur to be present in our diet.

Good sources of sulphur include onions, garlic and spring onions. Red onions are another good source since they contain anti-inflammatory compounds.

Try to eat one clove of garlic, a small onion, or a few spring onions to put this sulphur into your body.

Fresh juice With berries

The best type of juice you can have is that made fresh out of super-fruits. These include strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. These fruits are extremely high in antioxidants and also contain something called anthocyanidins - a type of flavonoid. berries, out of all the other fruits provide the highest level of antioxidant activity, with strawberries topping the chart over all other berries.

You can make a fruit smoothie using these fruits with the addition of other items to create variation in flavour. You can also add carrots to your juices.

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